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Hoi Polloi


By Robert Quillen Camp

Co-directed by Alec Duffy & Lori E. Parquet

June 23 - July 9, 2022 

OBIE-winning theater company Hoi Polloi (Three Pianos; All Hands) returns to JACK with a peek inside the meeting of a white anti-racist group. As the members reckon with sacrifices they must make to live up to their principles, other forces begin to disrupt and unsettle their efforts. An uncanny ode to honesty, forgiveness, and accountability, this ensemble tour de force pulls the audience on a descent from the too-real to the sub-real.  

Featuring: Brandt Adams, Dinah Berkeley, Heather Cunningham, John Lenartz, Nisi Sturgis, and Peter Mills Weiss

Dramaturg: Nikaury Rodriguez, Lighting Design: Amina Alexander, Sound Design: Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste


Thursday, June 23 - Saturday, June 25 at 7:30 pm

Thursday, June 30 - Saturday, July 2 at 7:30 pm

Wednesday, July 6 - Saturday, July 9 at 7:30pm and Friday, July 8 at 2 pm

TICKETS available here. More production info here.

June 23

Hoi Polloi

June 25

Hoi Polloi