Kevin Lapin | Board Co-Chair
Kevin began his theater career in Seattle studying at the Freehold Theatre Lab before moving to Paris to attend the Lecoq school where he studied physical theater, masks, clowning and collaboratively devised theater. After that, he co-created with a classmate, Olivier Faliez, a two-person comedy about that most hilarious of topics: mathematics! "Mad Maths" has been performed over 600 times in theaters, festivals and classrooms around the world and continues to tour and cure audiences of their mathematitis. After coming to New York, Kevin Lapin and Megan Campisi co-founded the Gold No Trade theater company which produced several collaboratively created historical fictions including: "The Floating Brothel" about the first group of female English convicts sent across the sea to the penal colony in New South Wales; and "The Pinks" about one of the first ever female detectives, Kate Warne, and the infamous spy she was hired to catch, Rose Greenhow known as the Wild Rose of the Confederacy. At some point during this time, Kevin discovered the second great love of his live: his wife Debbie, with whom he co-created and continues to curate two long term projects named Niko and Rafi. Around the time he met his wife, he also discovered the third great love of his life: medicine. Since then, it has been his honor to treat the diverse communities of Clinton Hill and greater Brooklyn as a nurse practitioner at Sunrise Medical Group. He recently joined the board at Jack with the hopes of continuing to be of service to the community and to nourish his love of the theater and the arts.