
By Azure D. Osborne-Lee
November 9 - 11, 2017

Glass is an evening-length fantasia by playwright Azure Osborne-Lee that conjures a creation myth in which the gods of Life and Death wrestle for control of their world, trampling anyone who gets in their way. During their reign of terror, a woman refuses to bend to their will, and is forced to kill her own children. She retreats from the world to recover from her trauma, but she can't stay hidden forever. Will she find the courage to stand up to her gods? In inventing this world, Osborne-Lee offers new imaginings of Anansi the Spider, Brer Rabbit, and other iconic black characters.

Thursday, Nov. 9 at 8 pm
Friday, Nov. 10 at 8 pm
Saturday, Nov. 11 at 8 pm

Featuring: Pascal Arquimedes, Chrissy Etienne, Alfie Fuller, Heinley Gaspard, Starr Kirkland, Lori E. Parquet*, Erin M. Pettigrew, T Thompson, and Jak Watson (* indicates member of Actors Equity)​

Directed by Kirya Traber
Design by Miki Foster
Movement Direction by Alicia Raquel
Stage Management by Chiara Johnson
Costumes & Props by Jamie Larson
Producer: Roots and River Productions

Azure D. Osborne-Lee (Playwright) is a black queer theatre maker from South of the Mason-Dixon Line. He is an inaugural Field Leadership Fund Arts Manager Fellow (2015-2017) as well as a Lambda Literary Fellow in Playwriting (2015 & 2016) and a Lambda Literary Writer-in-Residence (2017). This past spring, Azure's full-length play "Crooked Parts" was presented at Cherry Lane Theatre as part of the Downtown Urban Arts Festival.

Photo by Gaspar Marquez.